Be Bold Begin

Treat Yo Self! Artist Gifts Weekly Tip #Nine Episode 18



You deserve a gift. Something that uniquely peaks your interest and tickles your fancy and needs absolutely NO explanation. If it’s a pint-sized rubber gnome, so be it. If it’s giant stuffed unicorn, awesome. If it’s something from the Sanrio store, let’s be honest, that’s a win. Maybe it’s that fancy artist pen you’ve been wanting or a book that you never plan on reading but it’s just so damn pretty. Okay…I think you get the idea.  If you’d like to purchase the book mentioned in this episode, “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron, you can click here. Join me here:  Intuitive Creators Academy & Collective WATCH Be Bold Begin Interviews on Youtube @cbarsi1 Instagram: @intuitivecreators  @thebarsi BE BOLD & KEEP CREATING!     *Music