Be Bold Begin

Why Feeling Like “Everything Is Sh*t” Is Normal. Creative Chaos Episode 19



Ever get to that place right AFTER your great idea that feels like that great idea you had, is in fact, the shittiest idea you’ve ever had? Not only that, but you feel like shit too. Everything is shiiiit!!! Okay. Hold on. That’s normal. It’s that remarkable moment where things get hard. You can’t see a way out and the urge to quit is at it’s peak and the overwhelm is starting to take-over.  Don’t worry loves. It’s just Creative Chaos and you’re normal. And I’m here to tell you, “Hey. You’ve GOT this.”  Join me here:  Intuitive Creators Academy & Collective WATCH Be Bold Begin Interviews on Youtube @cbarsi1 Instagram: @intuitivecreators  @thebarsi BE BOLD & KEEP CREATING!     *Music