Be Bold Begin

Self-Kindness: Guided Meditation Episode 37



In this episode we explore self-kindness through a relaxing guided meditation designed to lead your mind towards your own truth, your own core and generate easy and light realizations of your own power that exists within your heart.  Through understanding and becoming aware of our ability to make choices, to create and to always have access to our own source of peace, joy and truth is a loving way to acknowledge ourselves. By practicing compassion, gratitude and kindness with ourselves gives us space to lean into our true being, our true purpose and in turn design the lives we want to experience. It only benefits all of those around us when we source our actions from this inspired and honest place of light. Join me here:  Intuitive Creators Academy & Collective WATCH Be Bold Begin Interviews on Youtube @cbarsi1 Instagram: @intuitivecreators  @thebarsi BE BOLD & KEEP CREATING!     Music by Ars Sonor & intro music by