Be Bold Begin

Quickly Moving Through A Painful Experience Episode 43



We've all experienced feelings of resentment, pain, guilt, rumination, and all the other low vibe stuff that comes from situations we feel should have occurred differently. The only person you're hurting when deciding to hold onto this stuff is you. Whether you want to admit it or not, it's a choice to keep those feelings around. However, those feelings are extremely valid, normal and completely okay for you to feel but I share a tip with how to limit your experience with the low-vibe stuff. I'm also announcing that we are going on a little break and will be back with more tools for your creative tool belt in future fall episodes. For now, thank you from the bottom of my heart for joining us so far and I hope to find you listening in the next season.  Join me here:  Intuitive Creators Academy & Collective WATCH Be Bold Begin Interviews on Youtube @cbarsi1 Instagram: @intuitivecreators  @thebarsi BE BOLD & KEEP CREATING!