Be Bold Begin

Julia Fried of The Mindful Panda: How to Work With Fear Through Mindfulness & Meditation Episode 23



Many of us are experiencing varying levels of fear and overwhelm during this time of uncertainty regarding the Corona Virus, which is of course normal feelings to have in a time like this. Fear can pop up when we don’t feel in control of a situation and in this case there are a lot of unknowns not only about the virus itself but how our lives will be affected, the lives of our loved ones, people we know, people we don’t know and just our day to day.  The other factor to acknowledge here is the rapid rate of change that is occurring. Each day seems that things are different than the last and lots of change also brings on lots of fear. How we make ourselves feel safe and grounded is being very challenged right now.  In this episode I’m talking with the amazing Julia Fried who is a mindfulness & meditation teacher as well as a hypnotherapist and a new mom. She has some great tools and tips for us we can apply to our day-to-day to help us through this time. According to the Oxford Dictionary : “Mindfulness is