Be Bold Begin

Releasing 2020 With Joy Shannon: How Healing & Creativity Intersect Episode 44



The amazing Joy Shannon is our guest on today’s show and we talk about her life long journey with creativity and healing and how the two intersect. Her new album The Cave is being released with "releasing" in mind by making it available on the Winter Solstice (a day of ritual and releasing) I think this conversation is the perfect note to end 2020 on (no pun intended) as well. When we let go, we make room for more magic and opportunity to come into our lives and the journey Joy Shannon shares has wonderful examples of these life moments.  Be sure to tune to the whole episode because we are going to play the entire sneak peak of her not-yet-released song Cloister from the album The Cave at the end of the episode. We want to wish you happy holidays and to let you know that we will still be sharing some fun things weekly with you in the coming weeks but our Season 4 with brand new full episodes will be coming to you starting January 12th.  Finding Joy Shannon: Instagram: @joyshannon Website: http://joyshannonand