Be Bold Begin

EMBRACING 2021 RE-RELEASE: Guided Meditation: Knowing Your True What & Why As You Become Inspired To Inspire



I wanted to give you one more bonus before we jump into our brand new episodes that will launch next week on January 12th!  It is a Guided Meditation and it’s actually the first one I released on Be Bold Begin. And I am putting the question to you: What do you want and what do you want to give. Finding intuitive answers to questions like these can be accessed easier when we are being guided in a focused meditation, it gives our minds permission to let go, to be guided and to flow and at the same time our bodies can relax into it too, so the discovery becomes a whole body experience and it can be easier to connect to ourselves this way. So try and find room to just allow the process to be whatever it will be and enjoy! For more support, join our Facebook Group Be Bold Begin.  *Sharing this podcast with another person is a great way to help someone who is feeling overwhelm, anxiety, or fear right now. You can also follow me on Instagram @thebarsi or on Twitter @cbarsi1 for more positivity and podcast goings-ons