Be Bold Begin

How To Begin Your Thing with This 5-Step Check-In



It turns out the month of April is associated with healthier living, raising consciousness, new life, light and new beginnings. And in honor of embarking on new beginnings, I wanted to take a moment to take a breath with you, slow down and focus on the present moment in order to be intentional about what will serve you best for you to move through any obstacles that might be blocking your start and/or to bring awareness and intention to what you need to get moving or keep moving. And we're going to do it 5 easy steps!  Do you have a question you'd like to ask? We'll feature it on the show and offer answers in an upcoming episode. Just email us here: Get the FREE companion Podcast Resource Guide now: Connect with Barsi on IG: @thebarsi Visit our company website for any podcasting or media creation needs. Stay positive and safe out there. I'll see you on the other side.