Be Bold Begin

Seven Questions To Unearth Your TRUEST Path Episode 115



I love this time of year because it does really have an energy of freshness if we let it. And rather than thinking of what we feel didn't work last year or focusing on a resolution because to me that is too...resolute and lacks permission to honor where you are when it shifts... I like to use this time to still be intentional, and ask myself what I'd like to release that isn't serving me any longer, honor the fact that they did at one point and then tune to what energy is aligned with me now and form the new intentions that will serve me best next. JOIN ME HERE FOR FREE: Here are the questions I speak in the episode to get you started: What do you really want? How do you really want to feel each day? What is most important for you...if you were to die tomorrow, what would wish you did today? What belief about yourself are you ready to let go? What belief about yourself are you ready to let in? Who do you admire and what is one small thing you can do to be in their energy today?  How