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How To Let Go Of The STRUGGLE In Business & Shift Into Aligned Ease With Monica Stockhausen, Founder Of The Proven Method Episode 116



Are you showing up for yourself every day and making things happen in your life BUT it does not feel good...? What if I told you there is another way to have it all that does not include subscribing to struggle and pain and suffering and anxiety and fear and the list goes on. My conversation with Conscious Entrepreneur, Monetization Strategist & Founder of The Proven Method, Monica Stockhausen shares all of the very REAL nitty gritty of what she had to change and let go of to shift out of this constant pain in the process of building and running her business to becoming congruent with her higher self. And remember, your business or abundance is a reflection of your alignment with your self. If you're ready to let go of the struggle and bring in the trust and let it be easier and more joyful...then this is for you. JOIN ME IN: THE GODDESS SANCTUARY to heal the hustle & shift into your truest, empowered self =>