Be Bold Begin

The Secret To Starting Is Giving Yourself Permission To Make Mistakes Episode 124



This is where I tell you to go F-it up. Yes, in this episode I’m personally giving you permission to fuck it up. Because there is a point in time where it becomes more important to START, to BEGIN than to keep preparing and preparing.  You’ve got to start. Start before you think you’re ready, start so that you can give yourself an opportunity to make discoveries and grow because you’ve begun.  This episode is taken from a six-episode series called BEGIN PODCASTING (episode 45 -50) that we released at the beginning of 2021, but the message here is still relevant today. Whether you’re starting a podcast or something else…you must begin so that you can start to make mistakes. In fact…make those mistakes on purpose so that you can learn and get better! Like, I said “permission to F it up”. JOIN ME IN: THE GODDESS SANCTUARY to heal the hustle & shift into your truest, empowered self => LEARN MORE - REG