Be Bold Begin

How To Co-Create With Spirit To Live The Aligned Life Meant For You With Clare Briglio, Spiritual Director Episode 125



Do you feel like you are leveraging your natural gifts, the things that are either easy for you or that you just love, in the way you earn your living? There is no wrong answer. YOUR answer to this question just gives you information on where you’re at with this idea. And you may even feel like these things don’t need to be in alignment...but what if they where? How would things change for you? My guest today, Clare Briglio, is a Spiritual Director who helps guide individuals in discovering and expanding their individual relationships with Spirit. Clare is also an interior designer, a jewelry designer, a dream interpreter and what I would call a creative person. She shares her personal Spiritual journey and how creativity along with lots of permission began to enliven her own connection with self and Spirit to guide her to her most essential self.  JOIN ME IN: THE GODDESS SANCTUARY to heal the hustle & shift into your truest, empowered self =>