Be Bold Begin

The Inner-Voice Masterclass You Didn't Know You Needed With Jenn Beninger, Founder|Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute Episode 131



Are you ready to learn how your brain works with your Intuition? This conversation feels like a Masterclass in all things Inner-voice, Intuition, blocks and of course...unlocking your genius.  My Guest Jenn Beninger and I have a deep-dive discussion and spend time clarifying the 4 voices we all have, our Intuition and the connection this has to your wealth. We also spend time breaking down the neuroscience of mindset and SO MUCH MORE! Our guest, Jenn Beninger is the Genius Unlocked Founder and CEO of Genius Unlocked Institute, a board certified company, where she coaches, mentors, and transforms leaders' personal and professional lives. Jenn has developed her genius and true purpose through combining her numerous accolades. Jenn boasts a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and is also a board certified trainer at the master level in Neuro Linguistic Programs (NLP), NLP Coaching, Hypnotherapy, Time Line Therapy® as a Certified Coach through John Maxwell, and is a Master Reiki Teacher. JOIN ME IN: THE GODDESS SAN