Be Bold Begin

How Tapping into Creativity Brings Us Closer To Our Humanness: Presenting-Grow Forward Today With Paul D. Casey Episode 140



I’ve spent a lot of my life trying to not acknowledge my humanness. Trying to bury it, feeling lots of shame and guilt for having human experiences and for not showing up more perfectly. If this sounds relatable to you, you’re not alone. And it truly was creativity that has saved me time and time again from the trappings of these unrealistic expectations. This is probably why I fell in love with the craft of acting, it’s also why I love psychology and neuroscience, it’s what becoming a Creativity Coach did for me, it’s the reason I love the imperfect process of podcasting and I’m now obsessed with creating permission for everyone I meet or have an opportunity to communicate with, to BE authentic. To BE human. To BE.  I had the privilege to be a guest on the Grow Forward Today podcast, hosted by Paul Casey and we explore the essence of being human through our creativity. Here’s my conversation with Paul Casey on HIS podcast Grow Forward Today. Originally titled  Christina Barsi On Inspire The Creative Inside