Be Bold Begin

Tap Into Your Body's Wisdom With Jessie Rose, Relationship & Identity Breakthrough Coach Episode 142



I’ve spent the last couple of years exploring the power and wisdom that we have access to within OURSELVES as human beings, with my guests on this show. They have transformed my own understanding of what we’re capable of, and have challenged my own beliefs of what is truly possible and accessible by hearing and holding space for their stories. My guest today does not fall short of that, by any means. Jessie Rose is a Relationship & Identity Breakthrough Coach and has a background in Core Process Psychotherapy and is trained and qualified as a Master Coach in the Personal Development field. Transforming trauma, suffering & limitation into personal freedom and success in relationships, health, performance, and purpose-led-service-based careers. Whilst being true to oneself, and truly aligned to ones purpose and vision.  In 2005, Jessie had a near-death experience that also hospitalized her for months. Her care-consultant told her she had just 24-hours to live, and offered her no real hope of recovery, s