Jesse Lee Peterson Radio Show

Alito's wife leads? Sins washed away. Are emotions necessary? | JLP Thu 5-30-24



JLP Hr 1  Bible Thumper Thursday: Lies about the Bible!  //  Trump trial: Wait and see!  //  Samuel Alito, not the head of his flag-flying wife? Libs: "Insurrectionist! Recuse!"  //  CALL: Chris in GA on "truth" (BREAK)  //  Rhonda in AL (1st timer), anger of God or evil? Social ills, messing with family. BQ: Are emotions necessary? "Without strife there's no compassion"?!  //  Super Chats with Hake, Hake News   //     JLP Hr 2  CALLS: Chris in Canada (1st-timer), heartbroken to leave feminist wife, gonna forgive mother. No reason to leave (1 Cor 7: 12).  //  Ronny in OH (previously misspelled "Ronnie"!) on Q: Which is easier to accept: That you're a sinner, or that all of your sins are washed away?  //  Al in PA thinks the Bible indicates Jesus is God: Peter: "God and Savior"; Thomas: "My Lord and my God."  //  CALLS & SUPER CHATS, Starkey in NC (thx!)  //  Nicolas in FL, great call on anger, forgiveness, parents (Hold)  //  Hake News  //     JLP Hr 3  Bible Thumper tongues talker checks phone (s/o Anchor Ba