Kate Hastings Show

The Impact of Trauma on Play & the Nervous System



Trauma affects us in many profound ways, often hindering our ability to play and experience joy. In this episode, we'll explore how trauma impacts the nervous system and why engaging in play is vital for emotional healing. I didn’t even realize I had emotions until I was 31—sad, happy, aroused. Let's start with the basics. When we experience trauma, our body's stress response is triggered, activating the sympathetic nervous system. This leads to anxiety, fear, and hypervigilance, causing us to split our personality in ways to protect ourselves. We develop patterns and cycles, turning our brain and body into a computer-like state, constantly processing and reacting. Unlike traditional talk therapy, play therapy allows individuals to reconnect with their natural inclination to play and explore. When we are in survival mode, our brain isn't focused on connections. Play helps shift us from survival to thriving thorugh PLAY!  Kate Hastings Podcast  Phenyx Fit Kate Hastings Podcast  Mental Health Coach        _____