Let's Talk Near Death

Signals in The Noise with Robert De Filippis



Robert De Filippis is a Fellow of the American Institute of Philosophical and Cultural Thought. He is the author of eight books with his latest being 'Signals in the Noise - Encountering the Limits of Materialist Science – An Exploration of Consciousness and Reality. Robert's focus is on the philosophy of mind and how materialistic science cannot fully explain phenomenal consciousness.   He believes that the potential power of consciousness is the most wasted of all human assets. Our ability to use our minds mindfully is an essential contributor to our effectiveness in life, but the real key to satisfaction and contentment in life is to be found in our relationships with other people. For more about Robert visit: https://www.robertdefilippis.com For more about Robert's book, visit: https://www.amazon.com/Signals-Noise-Encountering-Materialist-Consciousness/dp/1958890529 __ Signals in the Noise is a revolutionary wake-up call, compelling us to confront the materialistic paradigms that have blinded us to t