Snap Judgment

The Ridiculous, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Idea



A computer learns to speak with emotion and conviction but lacks the ability to distinguish good ideas from absolute madness. And a man has a chance to work on a secret project involving millions of flying mammals that could put an end to World War II. STORIES Theodora Making sense of the world is always a struggle.  And that's why, as far back as time has existed, some people have chosen to stand up in front of others and tells stories and share ideas that make sense of the chaos around us. We call them "orators" or "the ones who speak"  They turn the chaos into meaning and inspiration. But there's a bad side of orators too—it's the snake oil salesmen....the buzzword charlatans...the intellectual xenomorphs who prey upon those who just want to find some deeper truths. Producer Jeff Emtman is particularly sensitive to this dual nature of public speaking...he's got some of those darker traits himself.  So he developed a simple robot named Theodora who could speak to him about the highly porous barrier tha