Snap Judgment

Boricua en la Luna from WNYC Studios & Futuro Studios



“Boricua En La Luna” is a classic anthem about a young man born outside Puerto Rico, who dreams of going back to his parents’ home but never does. Based on a poem written by Juan Antonio Corretjer, the song vividly evokes themes of displacement and connection. And it asserts that Puertoricanness exists no matter where one lives, declaring, “yo seria borincano aunque naciera en la luna” – “I would be Puerto Rican even if I were born on the moon.” But… what would happen if someone Puerto Rican were actually born on the moon? This week on Snap, we bring you an amazing story from “La Brega” a co-production of WNYC Studios and Futuro Studios. They asked the acclaimed Puerto Rican writer Sergio Gutiérrez Negrón to answer this question in a short fictional story. Kelvin is the first human born on the moon, and finds himself growing up there alone. By listening to recordings sent by his grandmother, he learns to love the island he’s never seen. But when he finally meets someone else on the lunar surface, Kelvin is