Living Stone Sermons

Basecamp: What is a Church?



The Church as a Base Camp: Just like a base camp provides for the needs of hikers, the church is meant to offer spiritual sustenance and rest for our souls. We're called to be a place of refreshment for weary travelers on their faith journey. Ecclesia – More Than a Building: The New Testament term 'ecclesia' refers to the people, not a structure or event. It emphasizes that we, as followers of Jesus, are the church, called to actively participate in each other's lives. Active Membership: Being part of a church isn't about passive attendance but about engaging in community and ministry. It's crucial to identify ourselves as part of this body to be known, supported, and to contribute meaningfully. Living for Jesus: True submission to Jesus goes beyond merely using His name. It involves aligning our lives and our church's mission with His teachings and acting with the authority He entrusted to us. Living Stone Community Church This podcast is powered by