Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-5-6



news birthdays/events what's a "listening bar"? word of the day news game: calendar trivia ways to cope if you're super stressed at work are there certain 'every day' words you struggle to spell? news game: quiz game: feud would you pay extra to stay at an "icons" air bnb? news silly things we judge people for things you didn't know you clean with a magic eraser goodbye/fun facts....Sun Awareness's not quite offically summer...but as the weather gets warmer and the sun is out longer...this week centers around teaching people about skin cancer, as well as informing them about how to increase their protection when they step out into the sun.  the sun provides warmth, life, and vitality...vitamin d etc etc...but we need to protect ourselves against the ultraviolet rays...Too much UV radiation from the sun can damage the DNA in our skin cells causing skin cancer. dermatologists recommend using sunscreen any time you're out in the sun...and reapplying every two hours.