Rooted In Revenue

Checklist for Real Estate Brokers Before You Leave Your Franchise



Are you a real estate broker on the brink of a major change? Whether you're considering leaving a franchise to establish your brand, or switching franchises, this transition can be both exhilarating and daunting. The key to success lies in meticulous planning and preparation. In this episode, Susan shares her expertise to guide you through the critical steps you need to take before leaping. Susan provides a small portion of a comprehensive checklist to ensure a smooth transition from establishing your unique branding elements to evaluating your current online assets and vendor relationships. It's enough to get you started and slow you down. Don't let the excitement of change overshadow the importance of a well-executed plan. Tune in now to learn how to confidently navigate this transformative journey and set your brokerage up for long-term success. Special shout-out to the NRBA members. Need help? Here are some of the services Susan Finch offers.  The main points of the episo