She Renovates

226 - Self-Managed Super Funds... The Good, The Bad And The Ugly with Lina de Marco



Dive into a financial game-changer! Join us in this episode of She Renovates as we unravel the secret power of self-managed super funds (SMSFs) with Lina De Marco. SMSFs, the ultimate wealth-building tool, offer complete control over your retirement investments. Picture this: tax rates as low as 15%, zero capital gains tax on property sales, and the ability to invest in diverse assets like property, bonds, and precious metals. The possibilities are endless! Discover how SMSFs can supercharge your financial future. Ready to seize control and amplify your wealth? Tune in now!  “A self managed super fund is essentially a superannuation fund which is established and managed by the members themselves. So with a self managed superfund you can invest in property, you can invest in bonds, you can invest in precious metals, you can buy gold bullion, you can have term deposits, you can have managed funds, you can get a share trading platform via Comsec or any of the banks. The opportunities increase. The oth