Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-4-9



news birthdays/events when was the last time you messed up BIG when the spotlight was on you word of the day news guilty pleasure foods that are healthier than you think what's the difference between a trip and a vacation? would you wear a 'murse'? news game: mind the gap part 1 game: mind the gap part 2 what won't you buy at a garage sale? news usa today's list of best and worst mlb parks game: 80's song titles goodbye/fun facts....International A.S.M.R. Day ...which spreads general awareness about it. A.S.M.R. which stands for ‘autonomous sensory meridian response.’...a sensory response to certain visual and audio triggers.  A.S.M.R. has gone viral on YouTube and social media. but it's a relatively new subject for researchers, and there has been little scientific research in this field. A.S.M.R. is subjective ...what is relaxing for some isn't for others...and can be very effective on some people, often causing them to fall asleep. Today, we have millions of A.S.M.R. videos on if you need to r