Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-4-11



news birthdays/events do you make suggestions for improvement at work? word of the day news game: famous guitar riffs driving this spring/summer for you get 'dead butt'? how to share a difference of opinion...POLITELY! news game: opening lines of classic books want to live 'the simple life'? do you try to be creative for graduation presents or just give money? news game: actors who can sing tik tok food trends that are worth a try goodbye/fun facts....National Clean Up Your Pantry Day. A pantry is a dedicated space, a room, or a cabinet, where items related to the kitchen are stored. These items can be beverages, food, utensils, cleaning supplies, linens, and groceries. The term ‘pantry’ was first used during the Middle Ages to refer to domestic spaces. Colonists in New England used to store food in a “buttery,” which was a small room near a kitchen. The first buttery was an underground room in the Theron Boyd homestead in Hartford, U.S. in 1786. The “butler’s pantry” was popular in England and