Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-4-12



news birthdays/events ashley and brad call 'after the beep' word of the day news game: what year was it? jobs people envy 100 year rule with baby names news inventions from around the world (since the beginning of time) game: the backwards song game what would your 3 or 4 word obituary be? news the upside of stress game: celebrities described in 3 words goodbye/fun facts....National Gardening Day encourages gardeners and would-be gardeners to pick up a shovel, plant some seeds, and kick off a beautiful year of homegrown bounty. Forest gardening, a forest-based food production system, is known to be the world’s oldest form of gardening. Forest gardens could be found in prehistoric times along jungle banks...gardening declined during the Middle Ages but became popular during Elizabethan times. can join or start a gardening club to either learn or teach those around you. Growing your own food also provides fresh and natural nourishment for your family and saves you time and money at the grocery store.