She Renovates

236 - Bringing Luxury Home: The Art of Importing Renovation Supplies with Ozge Fettahlioglu



Revealing the Revolution in Renovation! Explore the direction of design with Ozge, the creator of Coco Plum Interior Design, who is our special guest. Not only is she a master at designing breathtaking rooms, but she is also revolutionizing the importation of renovation materials from Turkey. Learn how to give your projects a boost with premium materials, eco-friendly choices, and original designs that redefine luxury without breaking the bank. Ozge shares the insider tips for transforming renovations, from tiny houses to kitchens. Join the movement, discover countless options, and completely alter your spaces! “I have been here for like 25 years, but I've always had an eye for value I'm still comparing the prices, and services back in my homeland and here in Australia. And I decided to leverage this insightful insight for just,  importing these products,  offering a slice of luxury without the crazy price tag. And for an interior designer, it definitely makes difference" -Ozge Fettahlioglu