Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-4-2



news birthdays/events 2/3 of us leave items in our online shopping cart...why? word of the day news experts say to pick a 'wellness habit" game:  totally 1980's trivia do you jump to conclusions? news if you could bring a musical instrument places...what would you bring? game: celebrity authors gen z fashion trends  news would you like to try a robot masseuse? game: what year was it? goodbye/fun facts....national diy day...DIY has become extremely popular in recent years. Instead of hiring a professional, many people are opting to tackle specific tasks or projects to avoid paying someone else to do the work. In the 6th century B.C., there was a temple-like building in Basilicata, and just like our modern instruction manuals, it held instructions on how to mass-produce its components, as well as how these components fit together to create the building. flash forward to the 1990's The development of and access to the internet and the World Wide Web, also led to a breakthrough for DIY projects, as it became easi