Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-4-8



news birthdays/events are you "too busy" to read to your kids a night? word of the day news when was the last time you locked your keys in your car? game: quiz game: feud news did you/or know someone who stumbled into their career? have you ever accidentally breached security (at an airport or somewhere else?) how do you define real beauty news game: page a day calendar trivia places you've fallen asleep goodbye/fun facts....National Zoo Lovers Day brings animal enthusiasts together! Do you know how many animals were saved by zoos from going extinct? Yes, zoos are more than just conservation sites for endangered species, they also provide educational, research, and entertainment purposes. We can trace the history of zoos back to 4000 B.C. The early Egyptian and Asian zoos were kept mainly for public visitors but also for research purposes.The Vienna Zoo is the oldest existing zoo and was opened to the public in 1765.The United State's first zoo open to the public, Central Park Zoo, opened in 1864 in New York.