Let's Talk Near Death

Impressions of Near Death Experiences with Bob Coppes



Bob Coppes, based in The Netherlands, is a scientist, author, and NDE Researcher. He is a Board Member of IANDS (That's the International Association of Near Death Studies), and has given keynote talks, and compiled hundreds of quotes from Near Death Experiencers. His latest book 'Impressions of Near-Death Experiences' includes many of these quotes along with recurring themes of the Near Death Experience. For more about Bob visit: https://www.bobcoppes.com For Bob's books visit: https://www.bobcoppes.com/about-me https://www.bobcoppes.com/copy-of-the-essence-of-religions For Bob's latest book; Impressions of Near Death Experiences visit: https://www.amazon.com/Impressions-Near-Death-Experiences-Quotations-Experiencers/dp/0997560894