Feng Shui | Holistic Spaces Podcast With Anjie Cho

Episode 271: Feng Shui Qi Forecast: April 2024



In this episode, we’re sharing a feng shui qi forecast for the month of April 2024! First, we discuss what’s going on in nature and what you can expect energetically this month, and then Anjie shares an I Ching reading for the Holistic Spaces Podcast listener community. We also share our feng shui suggestions to make the most of this month’s energy. -The first solar term for April 4th is clear and bright (also called Tomb Sweeping Day) and is the perfect time for getting outside and experiencing the joys of spring-April 19th is the second solar term, Rain Shower (GrainRain), when we welcome the rain that helps the crops to grow stronger and established ensuring a good harvest later-The Chinese Zodiac animal for April 2024 is the Dragon, which could be ideal for those born in the tears of Rat, Monkey, and Rooster-The increased sun and rain that influences the qi of April-Anjie shares an I Ching readingAnd much more.If you want to dive deeper, be sure to sign up for our mailing list so that you can t