Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-3-27



news birthdays/events college roommate horror stories word of the day news with bigger houses....means more "stuff" that we buy...there are hidden costs to "too much stuff" game: outburst do you believe in do you "pay it forward" news best jelly bean flavor in the u.s. game: slogan game as read by geneva products in stores are being locked up...but there is new solution...would you be ok with it? news listener feedback break game: just over $1,000 pyramid goodbye/fun facts....National Nougat Day. Made by whipping egg whites together and adding honey or sugar, roasted nuts, and sometimes candied fruit, some say nougat has been a sweet treat since ancient Rome. Nougat comes from an Old Provencal French word, “nogat” which simply means “nut cake”. In Italy, they call it torrone. In Spain, a nougat is called turrón. The United States has a version made with corn syrup called divinity. In the United States, modern candy bar makers use a different recipe than the traditional's a mixture of s