
It's Thursday and I would like to consider whether we should think of it as Bloody Thursday



We continue going down. And please remember that the people who are experiencing this at the time it happened had no idea of how the story is going to end. Jesus, through divine insight or just because he is such an incredible student of the human condition knows what's going down. And he doesn't like it one bit. He celebrates the pass over and has all of them perplexed as the king of the universe as they would hope gets down and acts like the loneliest of servants. What in the world is this all about. And then we go to dinner and my goodness what a strange toast. This is my body and this is my blood! And out to one of their favorite places and Jesus cries out in agony and sweats like blood and pleads with God that there be another way and his followers are fast asleep. And then the betrayal begins and goes down and bloodshed and the beginning of nothing good and everything evil is coming down.