Fuel Hotel Marketing Podcast

16 - The Definitive Hotel On-Page SEO Cheat Sheet



Despite search engines doing their best to push organic results down and replace them with more paid ads, every hotel still relies on a steady stream of free traffic from organic search engine results. SEO can be very daunting due to the vastness of what it entails. Search engines look at hundreds of factors when determining which results should rank at the top of the results page for any given keyword. In this episode, we discuss some of the basic block and tackle on-page aspects that can have a significant impact in your overall search ranking.. In The News Verizon Buys Yahoo! For 4.8 Billion http://money.cnn.com/2016/07/25/technology/yahoo-verizon-deal-sale/index.html Brands Can Request Verified Twitter Accounts http://www.marketingtechnews.net/news/2016/jul/20/brands-can-now-apply-verified-twitter-account-it-opens-everyone/ Millennials Lead the Way in Travel Agent Usage: http://www.travelagentcentral.com/trends-research/asta-millennials-lead-way-travel-agent-usage-56823 Westin Hotel Running Club