Fuel Hotel Marketing Podcast

30 - Is Your Hotel Making These Top 10 Website Mistakes?



Your hotel website is the cornerstone of your hotel’s success. It’s the focal point of your marketing efforts, the virtual front lobby to your property and the battleground upon which you will win or lose against your competition and the OTAs. We talk a lot on the Fuel Hotel Marketing Podcast about what you should be doing. This episode focuses on the things you should not be doing on your website. There are certainly more than the 10 that we discuss. FULL SHOW NOTES: http://www.fueltravel.com/blog/fuel-hotel-marketing-podcast-episode-30-hotel-making-top-10-website-mistakes/ Show Note Summary: 1. Poor quality photography 2. Slow load time/image file size too large 3. Not mobile-friendly 4. Default Titles/META descriptions 5. Non-integrated booking engine 6. Sending people out to social media pages/video content or review sites 7. Conversion dead ends (ie: news page with no CTA) 8. Not designing the site for the audience 9. The ‘NASCAR’ effect 10. Not owning your site ======================