Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-3-12



news birthdays/events is it ever too much work to clip a coupon to save money? word of the day news game: the backwards song game great side hustles funny stories of famous people that don't get recognized...and one funny story of someone who did news game: think n sync fashion faux pas for men when you were a kid...did you ever have to sit at the kitchen table because you refused to eat food?   news game: outburst something most of us do to/with our cars that apparently is really bad goodbye/fun facts....National Science and Engineering Week so put on your favorite lab coat and strap on some safety goggles.  this week is desinged to give the public a deeper understanding of science and engineering. it's meant to be both educational and fun. visit a science museum...dive into science documentaries and books during this week like you're going on a safari through the sea of knowledge. conduct experiments with your kids by turning your kitchen into a mini-lab.  there are tons of safe for home experiments on you