Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-3-18



news birthdays/events best vinyl albums for audiophiles word of the day news heaviest cities game: quiz game: feud news best places for stargazing what food/drinks do you just eat seasonally how singers got their stage names news 6 year old trivia wild animal encounters (bear/lollipop...leopard in living room) goodbye/fun facts....National Sloppy Joe Day has been around for approximately 95 years now. There have been several claims to the origin of the sloppy Joe....also called yum-yums and slush burgers. The most popular claim states that the sandwich made its debut in 1920, Havana, Cuba. A bartender called José Otero. José created and successfully sold a simple sandwich based on a Cuban dish of shredded beef, tomato sauce, and spices called Ropa Vieja. He also sold iced seafood, which would often melt and get the bar floor wet and sloppy...customers linked the two and called him ‘sloppy Joe.’ Ironically, the name stuck to both him and the sandwich. In 1969, Hunt’s, a ketchup maker, introduced the ‘Manwich,’