Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Cure Yourself: Love, Laughter and Miracles



Let's take the concept of the limitless self one step further. If we all have access to the One Mind, then we all have access to the healing powers within that energy field of infinite love. Dr. Bernie Siegel has been helping cancer patients tap into that source of healing. As a result, miraculous cures become expected. Bernie believes that our bodies actually want to heal. This realization led him to develop techniques that have helped his patients create their own healing. His unconventional processes include drawing, visualization, dreams, love and laughter. As he said to me recently, I cured my cat of cancer through love. The veterinarian, however, doesn't believe it even though my cat is cancer-free. And that's why we need to be our own best advocate. We, as patients, need to be aware of all of the information on healing so as to have better control over our own fate. Join us this Thursday to learn patient-proven techniques that can help you create your own miracles.