Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

A Journey Into The Vast and Beautiful World of Creativity



Yes, you are creative. Creativity happens in the right brain. Since all of us have a right brain, we are all creative. Creativity is not gifted to a special few. That door is open to all of us. The problem is that fear, self-criticism and the judgment of others shuts us down and makes us believe that we don't have what it takes. The fact is that we only use about 10% of our brain. Even more amazing is that the right brain holds vast amounts of information. Brain researchers estimate that there is 10 million times more information in the right, creative brain than in the left, logical brain. We all have access to this hidden potential within us, but we don't know how to tap into it. Past guests, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Dr. Larry Dossey and Imara emphasized the importance of the right brain for information and healing. Whether you want to discover or expand your creativity or learn how to truly think creatively, join us Thursday for a journey into the vast and beautiful world of creativity.