Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Living from your own truth



When we live with abuse, we waste a lot of time and energy asking: Why does he keep hurting me? How can I help her be happy? How can I get him to stop hurting me? Asking these questions keeps the spotlight on taking care of the abuser. The person who gets ignored is the one being abused. Because it’s all so painful, we ignore our own sadness and pain. We avoid feeling and thus avoid healing. It seems easier than facing the truth of our lives and taking responsibility for our own happiness. We want them to save us or do the things that would make us happy. The fact is, we have to start asking different questions: Why do I keep letting him or her abuse me? What can I do to help myself? When we take responsibility for our own situation and our own choices, then everything can change. It sounds harder but it’s actually easier. We can become our own best friend. We can learn to treat ourselves with loving kindness. Join us Thursday to discover how to live from your own truth.