Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Your words and thoughts matter



What if your thoughts and spoken words were written on a screen over your head and CNN was broadcasting them to the world? Would you be embarrassed or proud? Would you expect congratulatory phone calls or would you worry that you might receive death threats or retaliation? The fact is that our thoughts and words carry energy that we send to our own bodies and into the world. Photographs have been taken of how our thoughts and words can change the vibrations in the air and in water, creating beautiful pictures or ugly ones. There are a lot of things that we cannot control. The recent beheadings of innocent journalists emphasize this reality. But we can control what we say and what we think. And the energy that we put out into the world through our words and thoughts helps to create loving-kindness in our own lives and in the world or negativity. Change does begin with each of us. Join us Thursday to learn how we can express our feelings and still send out positive healing energy.