Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Essential Oils for Physical and Emotional Healing



Everything is made up of energy and that energy sends out vibrations into the world, creating healing or pain. In previous shows, we've talked about how vibrations are emitted by sounds, colors, words and thoughts. Essential oils also have healing vibrations with each oil having a specific purpose, just like medicines and foods. A healthy diet involves eating different colored foods because our bodies need the energy that each color carries. We rarely talk about things in terms of vibrations and energy because it's part of the unseen world. But even our bodies emit different vibrations depending on how peaceful or chaotic we are. As we talked about last week, the importance of vibrations has always been known in the spiritual world. Science is bringing this information to light. For example, our aura is just our energy field. Today, we can photograph this energy to prove its existence. Join us this Thursday to learn about the beneficial energy that different essential oils transmit.