Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Numerology: Another Path to Self-Empowerment



All Numerology is not the same. There are many schools of thought on how to interpret the numbers. Different systems come from a variety of ancient cultures, including Babylonia, Alexandria, Jewish and Christian mysticism, India, China and Egypt. Some are based on giving letters numerical meaning and then adding the letters up in a word or a person's name. In Judaism, for instance, one way to change your destiny is to change your name. The common thread in all of the various systems is the belief that numbers carry energy which influences the quality of a person's life and their particular path in life. If we are true to ourselves, we are in sync with our numbers and life flows more smoothly. This doesn't mean there aren't challenges, but if we understand our life path, including our particular challenges, the journey is easier. As in all fields, the practitioner makes a difference. Please join me Thursday to learn from my talented guest how numerology can help you.