Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

From Victim to Self-Empowerment: You, too can change the story of your life



Stephen Hawking was a brilliant student with unlimited potential when he was given 2 years to live. Depressed, he was ready to give up on his dreams when his girlfriend challenged him to take control of his life and live for however long he had left. The movie, The Theory of Everything, tells the remarkable story of this very gifted physicist who continues to defy medical knowledge. He changed his life by moving from being a victim to meeting every challenge with courage, strength and the will to develop his grand theory. We all have this same ability. When difficulty comes our way, how we choose to respond is everything. My friend, Jackie Waldman was faced with her own medical diagnosis which threatened to destroy her life. She spent five years in bed because of Multiple Sclerosis. Now she does exercises like pilates, yoga and NIA. She, too, was able to go from victim to empowerment through a shift in her way of thinking. Join us Thursday to hear how to change the story of your life.