Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Healing Trauma: What Really Works



Yes, you can heal from trauma and abuse. Despite the prevailing belief that the best you can do is survive trauma, it is truly possible to heal, thrive and live life to the fullest. The language that we use is critically important because it sets the tone, the expectations and thus the results of the work that is being done. The problem with low expectations is that if you do what you've always done, you get what you've always gotten. We have learned a lot about healing from trauma, and it's time that we all update our knowledge and belief systems to accommodate the new research. Would you believe that yoga, Argentine tango, drama, writing, EMDR and neurofeedback are the new keys to helping people regain the joy, love, laughter and creativity in their lives? The brain does want to heal, and we now know how to support that healing. By nurturing the mind, body and spirit, we can break the cycle of fear engendered through trauma and abuse. Join us Thursday to learn how from the master.