Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Healing Familial Trauma



Do your family stories include a lot of laughter and the retelling of good times? Or do the older members of your family refuse to talk about the past because it's too painful? Do your parents or grandparents express a range of emotions? Are they willing to face the difficulties and challenges in their family's history or do they tend to sweep everything under the rug, pretending that all is well? We live in a world where trauma from war, famine, disease, torture, persecution and/or natural disasters is in all of our family histories if we go back far enough. Most of us only have to look to the current or previous generation to discover family trauma. If the generation directly impacted by the trauma doesn't deal with it in a healthy way, it can be transmitted to the next generations until someone says: enough, it stops here. Until I spoke with Beila, I didn't realize how much my grandmother's deep sadness had affected me. Please join us Thursday to learn how to heal familial trauma.