Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Healing Addiction: 12 Steps and More



Addiction and healing are words that you rarely hear in the same sentence. Yet, when I spoke with Rabbi Paul Steinberg about being on the show, that's exactly what I heard. And he should know because it has been his personal journey. When someone knows something from the inside out, they can see things that those who only have an academic understanding cannot see. This has been my personal experience with healing from abuse, which is also an addiction. We know so much now about the power of the mind to heal, the strength of community, the healing power of prayer and the importance of feeling love from the spiritual realm. Although Rabbi Steinberg approaches healing from a Jewish perspective, he has many residential and out-patient clients who are not Jewish. They resonate with his perspective and get well because he has what is missing from other treatment centers and methodologies. We all know someone who is addicted. Please join us Thursday to learn how they, or you, can truly heal.