Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Prophecies To Help You Be Prepared



Prophecy? Didn't that end in Biblical times? No. As we learned in our shows with Dr. Larry Dossey, psychic phenomena have been proven real. In fact, our December 18, 2014 show, Psychic Dawon's Predictions for 2015, is one of our most listened to on-demand shows as are Larry's shows on March 20, 2014 and February 12, 2015. If you missed them, go to PaulaJoyce.com to listen. As both of these men know, psychic information is available to all of us. We have to believe it, acknowledge it and not be afraid of it. It is there to inform us and to help us connect more closely with the spiritual realm. New information is constantly coming through to us from our guides and angels. Most of us ignore it, are afraid of it or don't trust that it is real. Some, like Dawon, pay close attention and live their lives by it. When we are talking, my questions or comments often stimulate his ability to receive new information. This is exciting for us. Join the fun Thursday to learn what we need to know now.