Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Healing From The Spiritual Realm



Symptoms: alternating chills and hot spells. Diagnosis: cold or flu. Treatment: Take medicine. That's what our culture teaches us is the only logical explanation. But what if, just what if, it isn't a cold or flu and the medicine isn't the solution? What if we switch the lens through which we look at symptoms and understand that the person is experiencing a releasing of negative emotions and fears through the chills and is being healed with loving warmth from the spiritual realm? A trained medical professional, or even a conscientious mom or spouse, would go to the medicine cabinet. More and more, however, people like myself and Mary DiSano are understanding physical symptoms from a spiritual perspective. Even well-respected trained physicians like Deepak Chopra, Bernie Siegel and Larry Dossey know through scientific evidence that physical symptoms are not always what they appear to be. Please join us Thursday when Mary shares her personal story of healing through the spiritual realm.